Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We read literature from two opposing forces, the Puritans and the Cavaliers represented by Milton/Bunyan and Lovelace/Marvel respectively.

1. Describe the world views of these groups.
Puritans are peaceful people that try to make the world a better place.
Cavaliers are those who go against the flow, within lawful boundaries.

2. How do these world views contrast with each other?
they are complete opposite; one is a pacifist, the other is a warrior

3. Give specific examples from selections we read that represent these world views?
wait, i was supposed to read something???????????

4. Which world view do you align yourself with more?
I am more of a cavalier, do wat i want within boundries of the law

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Circle either agree or disagree for each statement. There are no right or wrong answers, and you will not be graded on which one you choose.

Agree/Disagree 1. Our fate is predetermined.
Because I just feel that way, I really have no reason.

Agree/Disagree 2. It is natural for humans to strive for power.
No, not all humans strive for power. I for one strive for love, not power.

Agree/Disagree 3. When in power, humans will do anything to maintain it.
When you obtain power, more often then not it will corrupt you. It will become a kind of addiction that you cant do with out. Then you will do anything to maintain it.

Agree/Disagree 4. An accomplice is just as guilty as the person who commits a crime.
An accomplice is just as guilty, because if he knew it was wrong then he should have stopped the crime, not went along with it.

Agree/Disagree 5. If you kill, you should be killed in return (“an eye for an eye”). [why the hell would i want to give my eye for something?!?!?!?!?]
It depends on the case. The more cruel the kill, the more i say they should be killed. In other cases they should be made to live to suffer the consequences and maybe make a change.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hamlet Pre-Discussion ?'s

1. Is revenge sometimes the right approach in dealing with someone that has wronged you? Why or why not?
No because then you wrong them which then gives them the right to wrong you again and you have a vendetta on your hands and many more are hurt, than is necessary.

2. Is it better to think before you act or act before you think? Why?
It depends on the situation, if its life or death you act before you think, if its not then think before you act. You dont want to regret life by acting before you think it through.

3. Is there one singular reality, or do each of create our own realities through our perceptions and attitudes?
Everyone makes their own realities through wat they see and wat they experience. The attitude the develop from their experiences.

4. What are the qualities of a good friendship? Is it ever okay to spy on a friend if you are concerned about them?
A Good friend is someone that you can trust and depend on in all situations. I dont think it is right to spy on your friends even if your concerned about them. It would betray their trust. Plus if they really cared about you you would just tell them that your concerned and they would listen.

5. Should parents let their children make their own mistakes and let them learn from it, or should they keep a close eye on them?
They should do both. They need to let the child make their own mistakes in order for them to learn from them. The parent should be there as a support, so they need to keep a close eye on the child so they know wats going on.

6. Should children always be supportive of parents if they decide to remarry after their spouse’s death or divorce?
No. If the person is good and you see no dark intent then i dont see why you should be against it. But if there is something that you see that your parent doesnt than you need to show your parent the truth before you lose both parents.

7. Is there ever a time when grieving process goes too far?
Yes, you have to let go of things in the past or else you can never live your life. If you dwell too much on sadness all you will ever find is sadness and you will never move forward. I let my past grievences carry to far into my present and let them lead me down a road i never would have gone down before.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Matrix Blog 1 and 2

1. Explain how Neo's experience in and out of the Matrix parallels the Allegory of the Cave. Be specific using examples from each text.
As Neo enters the matrix it is as the man comes out of the cave. He first sees only wat he already knows, then slowly comes to see the rest of reality. As the man first came out of the cave, the first thing he saw was what he knew, the shadows. Then he learned of that which made them, learning the rest of reality.

2. Morpheus poses the question, "what is real? how do you define real?" We're going to read literature that poses that very question. What tools and indicator do we use to define and describe the world around us? Is reality a definite concept measurable and quantifiable, or is it a fluid concept defined by perceptions? Why?
We normally define something as real if we can touch and feel it with our physical body. Somethings are defined as real only by faith. Reality is defined by perceptions as we all see things in different ways and form our own oppinions about them. If it was definite then there really would be no different people.

3. The Matrix is part of the science-fiction genre, and while we may not be controlled by technology in the literal sense as The Matrix describes, does our current society in 2008 parallel the the world of The Matrix in certain ways? Has technology actually the lessened the quality of life in some ways? Why or why not?
Yes as some people cant survive with out technology, especially if you look at hospitals or the sick. I wouldnt say it has lessened the quality of lives, just our brain function. We cant do math with out our calculators, or find information with out a computer. It has just made us dependant on something other than ourselves.

1. The character of Cypher makes a decision that returning to the Matrix and living in its alternative reality instead of being fully conscious of the reality. This goes against the decision made by the released prisoner from the Cave. Why do you think Cypher decided to go back to the Matrix instead of living fully aware? Is his reasoning valid? Is ignorance bliss? Why?
He did so because he couldnt handle the reality before him, he learned to much and things that he didnt wish to know. I agree ignorance is bliss because the less you know the less it affects you. However i prefer knowing.

2. Neo is prophecized to be the one by Morpheus. Does Neo seem to accept this high profile role? What other character from literature you've read seems to be placed in this hero/savior role by others?
No he doesnt because he doesnt see the reasoning as to why. He feels he is not fit for such an honor, and that he cannot fullfil the role. I think King Arthur was kinda forced into the glory that he had, as a savior of Briton. He only accomplished what he did because over time he knew that what he was doing was right.

3. Humans are described by humans as a disease, imperfect, for a perfected technological program, yet the machine is viewed as the enemy/evil even though its reason and logic is supposed unflawed. What would the world be like if everyone was perfect and logical? What are other examples in movies and books where technology becomes the enemy/evil?
If everyone was perfect and logical the world would be a boring place. There would be no "evil" no wrong. Nothing would ever change either. Honestly, I dont read enough in this area to know of any other books or movies to answer the question. (However, I was thinking war of the worlds where death rays vaporized everyone... but i dont know if that counts...)

The Cave

Read the "The Cave"
Answer the following questions after reading it.

1. Summarize what the allegory is about in your own paragraph.
It is about coming from a world of suffering and being brought to freedom in the light. Learning all things and dwelling on them. Also it is about learning to understand those less fortunate than you, learning their pains and suffering. It is about judging each others class in society, learning to cope with what you know and what you feel, and that you cant always help those less fortunate.

2. What do you think Socrates is trying to say about the nature of reality/truth?
It is at first hard to grasp, but once you get a grasp on it it is only natural to ponder it. Also, you cant always teach the truth to others, or set them free.

3. How does this allegory relate to the learning process and education in general?
Learning comes from the bottom up, you cant just start at the top and expect to get everything beneath it. You also learn more if you ponder the knowledge and question it within your own mind.

4. Think about our modern day technological society; how does this allegory written thousands of years ago connect to our culture?
Those born in the cave are the older generation, those that didnt have technology when they were growing up. Those already outside the cave are the new generation, they already get it as the were born into it. Those coming out of the cave are the middle generation who are approaching the middle of their life, where technology is just being put out. They are slowly learning everything they can about it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Practice 2: Unscrambling to Imitate
In the model and the scrambled list, identify the delayed adverb. Next, unscramble and write out the sentence parts to imitate the model. Finally, write your own imitation of the model and identify and delayed adverb.

Model: As I watched him, he seemed to adjust himself a little, visibly
--F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

a. a bit
b. she tried to excuse herself
c. when she told him
d. lamely
When she told him, she tried to excuse herself, a bit, lamely.

Own Sentence: The woman ran, to get away from the man, clumsily.

Practice 3: Combining to Imitate
In the model identify the delayed adverbs. Next, combine the list of sentences to imitate the model. Finally, write your own imitation of the model and identify any delayed adverbs.

Model: The cars traveled Reynolds Streets, slowly and evenly.
--Annie Dillard, An American Childhood
Slowly Evenly

a. a girl crossed a street
b. The street was Washington Avenue.
c. She crossed the street confidently.
d. And she cross the street purposefully.
A girl crossed a street, Washington Avenue, confidently and purposefully.
Confidently Purposefully

Practice 4: Imitating
Identify the delayed adverbs in the models and sample imitations. Then write an imitation of each model sentence, one sentence part at a time.

1. Still winder, Smith sat up, slowly,
--Robert Ludlum, The Moscow Vector

Sample: Almost finished, Peter speed up triumphantly.

Own Sentence: As the day came to a close, he finished his homework, tiredly.

2. We explored the streams, quietly, where the turtles slid off the sunny logs and dug their way into the soft lake bottom.
--E.B. White "Once More to the Lake"

Sample: We walked the streets, dreamily, where the sun set in the crystal sky and melted its way over the inky black skyscrapers.

Own Sentence: We played our games, excitedly, in a room lit only by the bright tv screen flashing with the video game.

3. He was clambering, heavily, among the creepers and broken trunks, when a bird, a vision of red and yellow, flashed upwards with a witch-like cry.
--William Golding, Lord of the Flies

Sample: She was running, desperately, between the road the railroad track, after a car, her hope for escape and rescue, passed by with an oblivious driver.

Own Sentence: I was sprinting, clumsily, toward the exit, the building was burning down around me!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

An adverb at the beginning of a sentence. A comma follows an opening adverb. All adverbs give information an action.

Adverbs that tell how an action happened(quickly, slowly, rapidly) always end in ly. Other adverbs tell when an action happened (now, then, yesterday), or where an action happened (Overhead, nearby, underneath)

How: Unfairly, we poked fun at him, often in his presence.
--Sue Miller, While I was Gonei

: Then, Harry felt as though an invisible pillow had quite suddenly been pressed over his mouth and nose.
--J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Where: Outside, I found a taxi for her.
--Maya Angelou, The Heart of a Woman

Sentences can contain single or multiple opening adverbs.

Single opening adverb: Incredibly, the man was still chasing after us.
--Annie Dillard, An American Childhood

Multiple opening adverbs: Then, slowly,
he fell to his knees and pitched forward onto the road, blood pooling red on the black asphalt.
Robert Ludlum, The Moscow Vector

Practice 2: Unscrambling to Imitate- In the model and the scramblist, identify the opening adverb. Next, unscramble a write out the sentence parts to imitate the model. Finally, write your own imitation of the model and identify the opening adverb.

Model: Suddenly, Alfred, who had heard the fight from the across the street, attacked from the rear with his favorite weapon, an indoor ball bat.
John Steinbeck, Cannery Row


d. afterward c. Jasmine b. who had read the novel for over two hours a. sat up in the bed with her nightly snack e. a mini Oreo cookie

Own Sentence: Then, Jack, who had been running for thirty minutes, stopped and had a heart attack.

Practice 3: Combining to Imitate

In the model, identify the opening adverb. Next, combine the list of sentences to imitate the model. Finally, write your own imitation of the model and identify any opening adverbs.

Model: Outside, the doctor's car was surrounded by the boy while Finny was being lifted inside by Phil Latham.
John Knowles, A Separate Peace

a. This happened inside.
b. The younger children were involved with games.
c. While they were involved, Laura was being tutored near them.
d. The tutoring was by their teacher.

Inside, while, the younger children were involved with games, Laura was being tutored by their teacher.

Own Imitation Sentence: Outside, while the storm raged, Kelsey ran for the puppies.

Practice 4: Imitating
Identify the opening adverbs in the model and then write your own example.

1. Here, relatives swarmed like termites.
--Wallace Stegner, Crossing to Safety

Own Imitation: Here, I had only a bottle of dr. pepper.

2. Slowly, methodically, miserably, she ate the jellied bread.
Toni Morrison, Beloved
Slowly Methodically Miserably

Own Imitation: Quickly, orderly, gladly, i shot the enemies with my sniper rifle.

3. Very slowly and very carefully, Harry got to his feet and set off again as fast as he could without making too much noise, hurrying through the darkness back toward Hogwarts.
--J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Slowly Carefully

Own Imitation: Very hesitantly and very slowly, the man started to move towards the station, afraid that he might get shot in the back.